Ansible to rename a file only if exists

Solution 1:

Below is a working solution. Note that you may want to set the owner/permissions on the file created by blockinfile, and that blockinfile will add insertion anchors around the inserted text in the destination file. Both of these can be configured (see the docs)

- name: Some very cool play
  hosts: test
  gather_facts: false
    destination_path: /jp/test
    legacy_path: /jp/Test
    - name: Check if legacy file exists
        path: "{{ legacy_path }}"
      register: legacy_status

    - name: Move contents of legacy file to destination file
      when: legacy_status.stat.exists is true
        # Note that there is currently no module to read the contents of a
        # file on the remote, so using "cat" via command is the best alternative
        - name: Read contents of legacy file
            cmd: cat {{ legacy_path }}
          register: legacy_contents
          changed_when: false

        - name: Add contents of legacy file to destination file
            path: "{{ destination_path }}"
            state: present
            block: "{{ legacy_contents.stdout }}"
            # This ensures the file is created if it does not exist, 
            # saving an extra task to rename the file if necessary
            create: true  

    - name: Remove legacy file
        path: "{{ legacy_path }}"
        state: absent

The error you have there is due to the loop variable not being a list, but a dictionary object. When you invoke loop: "{{ jpresult.results }}" (note, see loop vs with_) the value of {{ item }} for each iteration of the loop is a single item in the list, rather than the full list. To access the stat value of the current loop index you can use item.stat, or to access the stat of a different iteration you can use jpresult.results.N.stat (where N is the index you want to access).