Creating an Alpine container in LXC on top of Ubuntu

Solution 1:

If using LXC, typically you would set up a new container with a command like this:

lxc-create -n ${c} -t download -- -d ${d} -r ${r} -a amd64

where c is the container name of your choosing, d is the distro such as 'alpine', and r is the version number of the release. Here is an example:

# lxc-create -n test -t download -- -d alpine -r 3.12 -a amd64
The cached copy has expired, re-downloading...
Setting up the GPG keyring
Downloading the image index
Downloading the rootfs
Downloading the metadata
The image cache is now ready
Unpacking the rootfs

You just created an Alpinelinux 3.12 x86_64 (20201213_13:00) container.