Is there an iPad PDF Reader app that has autoscroll?

I read stacks of PDFs on my iPad and I have downloaded (and paid for) a few PDF readers hoping to find an auto-scroll feature, without luck.

Does anyone know of any iPad app that can auto-scroll PDF's (preferably with Dropbox integration so I can get at my PDFs easily!).


To date, I have found only one PDF reader that has Dropbox connectivity and has autoscroll(after a fashion.)

It is PDF Reader Pro iTunes Link. It is a universal app that works on both iPad and iPhone and ties to, Dropbox, Googledocs, and iDisk. It has an "Autoflow" feature that allows timed jumps (from 5 to 100 seconds) of a preset number of pixels (20 to 400.) I bought it at the low price of $0.99 and it performs, pretty much, as expected. It has some basic annotation capabilities and "scans" documents using the camera in the iPad 2. I have an original so I couldn't test that feature.

I haven't used it a lot as I like the annotative capabilities of iAnnotate, but the app is a good fall back if I need the autoflow feature.

For $0.99 it looks to be a solid reader that fits the requirements you laid out.

I think GoodReader (iTunes Link) is right up your alley.

It supports PDFs primarily, but according to it's site also supports Microsoft Office, Apple iWork, HTML WebArchive, images/audio/video files.

It can connect to Dropbox shares, download resources directly off the web (and some other protocols, FTP, SFTP, WebDAV) in-app, supports Document Sharing (file loading via iTunes), features autoscroll, and many many more features and customizations that you didn't ask about!

It is unfortunately NOT a Universal app, USD$5 for the iPad version. And another USD$5 should you ever want to buy it for an iPhone/iPod.