Word expression to say "Stopped smoking" or "got rid of some unhealthy habit"

I'm looking for words ( or word groups) that can be used to say "I stopped smoking", or "I stopped taking drugs" or, in other words, "I got rid of some bad and unhealthy habit".

I have found "relinquish" , "get out" , "give over", but I'm not sure if they can be used that way. Of course, I'd like to see more examples, if they are present.

Kick the habit or kick the XXX habit where XXX is a suitable descriptor of the type of habit.

Cambridge Dictionary Online:

To give up something harmful that you have done for a long time.


To voluntarily end any habit or custom, especially a drug habit. (See also knock the habit.)

The easiest thing to say is "I quit smoking"

quit :
4. To abandon or put aside; forsake
5. To cease or discontinue


give up : To desist from; stop

I quit smoking two years ago.
I gave up smoking when my daughter was born.