centos 8: debuginfo-install can't find kernel-debuginfo package

Solution 1:

There are two ways of doing this. On CentOS 8,

  1. You can modify /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Debuginfo.repo to set enable=1 and then run yum install kernel-debuginfo or
  2. You can do yum --enablerepo="base-debuginfo" install kernel-debuginfo

Either of these worked on my system. Be sure you have plenty of space on your disk. The installed size is 3.1GB.


  1. You'll want to inspect the kernel version used in kernel-debuginfo (i.e. yum info kernel-debuginfo) to ensure that it is the same version as your kernel (i.e. uname -r).
  2. If they differ, you may need to go hunting for the correct versions of kernel-debuginfo and kernel-debuginfo-common-x86_64. I used the baseurl in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Debuginfo.repo as a template to find where to look. For CentOS 8.1 look here.