Javascript removeEventListener not working

I have the following code to add eventListener

 area.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
              app.addFlag = 1;

It is working correctly as expected..Later in another function i tried to remove the event listener using the following code

 area.removeEventListener('click',function(event) {
              app.addFlag = 1;

But the even listener is not removed..Why is it happening?Is there any problem with my removeEventListener()? Note:Here area is something like document.getElementById('myId')

Solution 1:

This is because that two anonymous functions are completely different functions. Your removeEventListener's argument is not a reference to the function object that was previously attached.

function foo(event) {
              app.addFlag = 1;

Solution 2:

I find that for the windows object, the last param "true" is required. The remove doesn't work if there is no capture flag.