Process terminates after SSH logout on windows server

After spending much time digging for solutions, I found the absolute correct way of doing so using PowerShell.

It seems like it is one of those cmdlets less used or documented online, and is almost impossible to figure out on your own using the MSDN documentation, unless you're already very familiar with the huge world of Wmi Objects.

In short:

Assuming I have a program foo.exe that needs to run on background with the arguments -a, -b and bar, I should be using the exact command:

Invoke-WmiMethod -Path 'Win32_Process' -Name Create -ArgumentList 'C:\Users\foo\Desktop\foo.exe -a -b bar'

Of course if your exe is a "known" exe (either by default, such as notepad or ping) or added by you, a full path is not needed when using the -ArgumentList and exe name would be sufficient (notepad, ping, and etc..).

Additional parameters:

Invoke-WmiMethod supports additional parameters such as -Credential, -ComputerName (a good way to use a local PS to Invoke something on a remote machine without using SSH) , -Impersonation and many more documented here.

Cmdlet syntax explanation and additional cmdlet tools:

  • The -Path argument directs to a WmiObject name. There are dozens of WmiObjects, each with many Methods and Properties.
  • The -Name argument directs the used Method.
  • To list all available Wmi-Objects use Get-WmiObject -List (very difficult to locate your needed object this way).
  • To list and view all available Win32_Process Methods and Properties use
Get-WmiObject -List |where{$ -match '^Win32_Process$'}

This will return an output of this structure:

   NameSpace: ROOT\cimv2

Name                                Methods              Properties
----                                -------              ----------
Win32_Process                       {Create, Terminat... {Caption, CommandLine, CreationClassName, CreationDate...}

And of course using |Select-Object -ExpandProperty (_your_property_here_) will reveal all available Methods such as Create we used in the command above, and all available Properties (which we did not use).