c# Array.FindAllIndexOf which FindAll IndexOf

Solution 1:

string[] myarr = new string[] {"s", "f", "s"};

int[] v = myarr.Select((b,i) => b == "s" ? i : -1).Where(i => i != -1).ToArray();

This will return 0, 2

If the value does not exist in the array then it will return a int[0].

make an extension method of it

public static class EM
    public static int[] FindAllIndexof<T>(this IEnumerable<T> values, T val)
        return values.Select((b,i) => object.Equals(b, val) ? i : -1).Where(i => i != -1).ToArray();

and call it like

string[] myarr = new string[] {"s", "f", "s"};

int[] v = myarr.FindAllIndexof("s");

Solution 2:

You can write something like :

string[] someItems = { "cat", "dog", "purple elephant", "unicorn" }; 
var selectedItems = someItems.Select((item, index) => new{
    ItemName = item,
    Position = index});


var Items = someItems.Select((item, index) => new{
    ItemName = item,
    Position = index}).Where(i => i.ItemName == "purple elephant");

Read : Get the index of a given item using LINQ

Solution 3:

Searches for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate, and returns all the zero-based index of the occurrence within the entire System.Array.

public static int[] FindAllIndex<T>(this T[] array, Predicate<T> match)
    return array.Select((value, index) => match(value) ? index : -1)
            .Where(index => index != -1).ToArray();

Solution 4:

I know this is an old post, but you can try the following,

string[] cars = {"Volvo", "BMW", "Volvo", "Mazda","BMW","BMW"};
var res = Enumerable.Range(0, cars.Length).Where(i => cars[i] == "BMW").ToList();

returns {1,4,5} as a list

Solution 5:

No, there is not. But you can write your own extension method.

public static int[] FindAllIndexOf<T>(this T[] a, Predicate<T> match)
   T[] subArray = Array.FindAll<T>(a, match);
   return (from T item in subArray select Array.IndexOf(a, item)).ToArray();

and then, for your array, call it.