DBNull if statement

I'm trying to execute a stored procedure and then use an if statement to check for null values and I'm coming up short. I'm a VB guy so please bear with me if I'm making a schoolboy syntax error.

objConn = new SqlConnection(strConnection);
objCmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, objConn);
rsData = objCmd.ExecuteReader();

if (!(rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"].Equals(System.DBNull.Value)))
            strLevel = rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"].ToString();


Would this allow me to check whether the SQL connection is returning just a value and if so then populating my string?

I'm used to being able to just check the below to see if a value is being returned and not sure I'm doing it correctly with C#

If Not IsDBNull(rsData("usr.ursrdaystime"))

Any help would be appreciated!

This should work.

if (rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"] != System.DBNull.Value))
    strLevel = rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"].ToString();

also need to add using statement, like bellow:

using (var objConn = new SqlConnection(strConnection))
        using (var objCmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, objConn))
           using (var rsData = objCmd.ExecuteReader())
              while (rsData.Read())
                 if (rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"] != System.DBNull.Value)
                    strLevel = rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"].ToString();

this'll automaticly dispose (close) resources outside of block { .. }.

The idiomatic way is to say:

if(rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"] != DBNull.Value) {
    strLevel = rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"].ToString();


rsData = objCmd.ExecuteReader();

Makes it look like you're reading exactly one value. Use IDbCommand.ExecuteScalar instead.

The closest equivalent to your VB would be (see this):


But there are a number of ways to do this, and most are linked from here

Yes, just a syntax problem. Try this instead:

if (reader["usr.ursrdaystime"] != DBNull.Value)

.Equals() is checking to see if two Object instances are the same.


if(rsData.Read()) {
  int index = rsData.GetOrdinal("columnName"); // I expect, just "ursrdaystime"
  if(rsData.IsDBNull(index)) {
     // is a null
  } else {
     // access the value via any of the rsData.Get*(index) methods
} else {
  // no row returned

Also: you need more using ;p