joomla password encryption

I need to access the joomla user table jos_users for login checking from external php script [codeignitor].

joomla storing password like this


Looks like this is not the normal MD5 ,so i cannot use md5(password) .

what is the possible way to create the password ?

Thank you.

Solution 1:

Joomla passwords are MD5 hashed, but the passwords are salted before being hashed. They are stored in the database as {hash}:{salt} this salt is a random string 32 characters in length.

So to create a new password hash you would do md5($password.$salt)


Okay so for checking a password, say a user myguy enters the password mypassword, you would retrieve the row from the database that has username myguy.

In this row you'll find a password say 4e9e4bcc5752d6f939aedb42408fd3aa:0vURRbyY8Ea0tlvnTFn7xcKpjTFyn0YT. You split up the password hash and the salt:

$hashparts = preg_split (':' , $dbpassword);
echo $hashparts[0]; //this is the hash  4e9e4bcc5752d6f939aedb42408fd3aa
echo $hashparts[1]; //this is the salt  0vURRbyY8Ea0tlvnTFn7xcKpjTFyn0YT

now calculate the hash using this salt and the password myguy entered

$userhash = md5($userpassword.$hashparts[1]); // This would be 'mypassword' and the salt used in the original hash

Now if this $userhash and $hashparts[0] are identical the user has entered the correct password.

Solution 2:

From joomla Forum, that's what happen behind:

A. Generate a password
B. Generate a string with 32 random characters
C. Concatenate Password (Step A) and RandomString (Step B)
D. Take md5(Result of Step C)
E. store Step D Result : Step B Result


Generate a password - Let 'testing'
Generate a string of 32 random characters - 'aNs1L5PajsIscupUskaNdPenustelsPe'
Concatenate Password and random string - testingaNs1L5PajsIscupUskaNdPenustelsPe
md5(Step C Result) - 5cf56p85sf15lpyf30c3fd19819p58ly
store step d:step B - 5cf56p85sf15lpyf30c3fd19819p58ly:aNs1L5PajsIscupUskaNdPenustelsPe

You can find code in Joomla like

$salt = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32);
$crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword("testing", $salt);
$password = $crypt . ':' . $salt;

Or We can Say

password DB field = md5(password + salt) + ":" + salt 

Where salt is random 32 char string.
