Assign Domain to IP Address which has a path [duplicate]

That's not possible, DNS only handles mappings between host or domain names and IP addresses; the path only makes sense for web sites, it's managed by the web server and DNS has nothing to do with it.

A possible solution is to put something (f.e. a minimal webserver) at that performs a HTTP redirect to


No you can't.

The bigger picture

DNS only maps names to addresses using A records when it comes to IPv4 and AAAA records when you're dealing with IPv6.

I'm assuming that you have a web server that shall serve different documents for two distinct domains. If I'm right, then I suggest you look into the concept of virtual hosts/servers. As an example, here is the documentation for Apache httpd's virtual host configuration. The basic idea is, that you set up multiple A/AAAA entries with the same address, but different names in your DNS pointing to your web server. Web servers can - since the HTTP protocol carries that information - find out with which name a request was made with and decide what documents to serve accordingly.