How to set custom port for DNS in systemd-resolved

I want to add local DNS server with port 8600 to systemd-resolved for request forwarding. I've tried to change /etc/systemd/resolved.conf like this


but this is not counts as a port (btw, : didn't works too)

Is there a way to do this?

systemd-resolved is not really known for it's full-featured configuration options! But I think with a bit of iptables magic, you can get it to work with. First do something like this:

DNS= #instead of which is systemd-resolved itself.

You can of course choose any other number between 2-255. Just don't use 53 itself.

Then you have to redirect any packets headed for to with iptables. Here is my best untested attempt: (I don't have your environment to test this, correct me if I'm wrong)

iptables -t nat -I OUTPUT -d --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-destination --to-ports 53

and finally you should probably make this config persistent on reboots. iptables-persistent might help.

Some Helpful links:

  • Changing resolve.conf might be tricky.
  • Persistent rules can also be tricky.