How to shutdown an Android mobile programmatically?

Solution 1:

It is possible, but you need a Rooted Android device with Superuser access. You can't do it without Root unless your app is signed with the System Firmware Key. Try using the following code:


try {
    Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime()
                    .exec(new String[]{ "su", "-c", "reboot -p" });
} catch (Exception ex) {


Same code, just use "reboot" instead of "reboot -p".

[On an other note: I read somewhere that these commands do not work on Stock HTC ROMs, but haven't confirmed myself]

Solution 2:

You could possibly use the PowerManager to make it reboot (this does not guarantee that it'll reboot - OS may cancel it):

It requires the REBOOT permission:

Can you also check your logcat when trying to enable/disable keyguard, and post what's there?

You cannot do this from an ordinary SDK application. Only applications signed with the system firmware signing key can do this

Solution 3:

This is the code i use to perform any system command.

void shutdown_sys()
    Process chperm;
    try {
          DataOutputStream os = 
              new DataOutputStream(chperm.getOutputStream());



    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Call this function from your android App. It will work if su is functional in your system. Let me know in case it does not work. I dont have an Android base ready to test. But the same works for reboot. So shutdown is also a linux shell command which ithink will be there in Android as well.. All the best

Solution 4:

With rooted shell command type in, svc power shutdown works for me in android 7.1