How to troubleshoot a routing issue

I am running into a weird problem suddenly. I have Windows 10 on my computer and I have a Hyper-V virtual machine on my computer that runs Windows Server 2019. Inside this, I am hosting a web site. All of the sudden, today, I cannot access my website from my Windows 10 host computer. Externally, it works fine.

My external IP address if (this is fictitious). If I have my girlfriend open Chrome on her computer at home and she puts in, the site comes up just fine. If I go to my Windows 10 host computer and open chrome and put in, it doesn't work. It's like somehow my external address is getting routed differently on my local computer then it is with every other computer.

Is there some way I can diagnose this and maybe refresh my routing tables and/or trace the route to see exactly where my http request is going?

And just to let everyone know, this is a new issue. It worked perfect yesterday.

You are not providing anything to work with so I need to make assumption that VM and Host are on the same broadcast domain and in the same IP subnet.

  • From the host ping IP of the VM
  • In the Host, check arp table for VM's MAC
  • In the VM, check arp table for host's MAC
  • If ARP tables show MACs correctly, L2 works
  • If you are missing MACs in ARP you should capture packets to see which operating system has issue with ARP
  • you may want to allow ICMP in both OSs just to make sure the pings will work as well, so you can confirm L3
  • if L3 is working, then move layer up and see if the connection between two OSes is being established with netstat -on
  • if the connection is OK, then you need to look what is happening in the web server... (this point can grow too wide without knowing details of your server)