Use outer instead of expand.grid

Solution 1:

The documentation for isn't quite complete. It isn't just fastest in the most common case because you can pass vectors for the times argument, just like with rep. You can use it straightforward for both sequences reducing the time another 40% or so over Tommy's.

expand.grid.jc <- function(seq1,seq2) {
    cbind(Var1 =, length(seq2)), 
    Var2 =,,length(seq2))))

Solution 2:


expand.grid.alt <- function(seq1,seq2) {
  cbind(, length(seq2)),
        c(t(matrix(, length(seq1)), nrow=length(seq2)))))

expand.grid.alt(seq_len(nrow(dat)), seq_len(ncol(dat)))

In my computer is like 6 times faster than expand.grid.

Solution 3:

@ErnestA has a great solution well worthy of the answer tick! could be marginally faster though:

expand.grid.alt2 <- function(seq1,seq2) {
  cbind(, length(seq2)), Var2=rep(seq2, each=length(seq1)))

s1=seq_len(2000); s2=seq_len(2000)
system.time( for(i in 1:10) expand.grid.alt2(s1, s2) ) # 1.58
system.time( for(i in 1:10) expand.grid.alt(s1, s2) )  # 1.75
system.time( for(i in 1:10) expand.grid(s1, s2) )      # 2.46