Is it possible to create a synthetic Timezone GMT+20 in Windows 10?

I'm trying to create a synthetic timezone GMT+20 in Windows 10 (to test our software for extreme client-server TZ difference scenarios):

$standardDisplayName = "(GMT+20:00) Synthetic 20"
$standardName = "My Time"
$baseUtcOffset = New-TimeSpan -Hours 20

$newTZ = [TimeZoneInfo]::CreateCustomTimeZone($standardName, $baseUtcOffset, $standardDisplayName, $standardName,$daylightDisplayName,$adjustmentRules,$disableDaylightSavingTime)

And i'm getting

"The TimeSpan parameter must be within plus or minus 14.0 hours."

Is there any way around this?

It is impossible with .NET method TimeZoneInfo.CreateCustomTimeZone , as BaseUtcOffset property should have value between 14 and - 14.
