How to debug slow Chrome on MacBook Air?

I'd start by creating a new "User" in Chrome.

Chrome > Preferences: New User

This will give you a fresh start on preferences and extensions.

If the new user has no issue then you likely have a bad extension or preference.

Chrome and Safari are both memory pigs these days (in exchange for which they are wicked fast when they have enough memory). How much RAM does your Air have?

When you look at the Chrome console when images fail to load is there anything interesting there? Chrome > View > Developer > JavaScript Console

Deleting the "Default" profile seems to have resolved all the issues (per the Chrome help pages):

  1. Quit Google Chrome completely.
  2. Go to the Go menu > Go to Folder.
  3. Enter the following directories in the text field, then press Go. ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/
  4. Locate the folder called "Default" in the directory window that opens and rename it as "Backup default."
  5. Try opening Google Chrome again. A new "Default" folder is automatically created as you start using the browser.