How do I reset my manor so I can rebuild it with different options?

Yes it is possible, but a bit of a brainteaser to get it done.

Using the console you can type:

sqv byohhousepale
sqv byohhousefalkreath
sqv byohhousehjaalmarch

This will show all "enable" & "disable" ID's of variables for specific rooms and room-items in groups.

Then "just" with command prid "specific ID for room or item" select it remotely and use command "disable" or "enable" to finish the operation.

BTW: go rather back in time in your save games or disable the DLC. I just want to point it out that it is possible.

The only known way to reset the house is to disable the DLC, load the game, save it, then reenable the DLC.

There's no known way to reset or rebuild the house with different additions.

Just remember to take out everything inside that you want to keep.