1. Export bookmarks (Bookmarks->Bookmarks Manager->Click column in upper righthand side that has 3 vertical dots->Export Bookmarks)
  2. Make a backup of the bookmarks file incase you mess up
  3. Open the file with a text editor
  4. Do a find and replace (using regex or just plain text search) to replace whatever you want
  5. Import the bookmarks (Bookmarks->Bookmarks Manager->Click column in upper righthand side that has 3 vertical dots->Import Bookmarks)

Note: This will create a bookmark folder 'Imported'. You will want to replace whatever folders you changed with the folders in the 'Imported' folder. You can also do this through bookmark manager.

There are many ways to create a process/script that will automatically do this on multiple computers if that is your intent. However I read your intent as wanting to update information in multiple bookmarks on one computer, and this will suffice for that purpose.