Simply put: Postfix communicates with SASL (saslauthd) using files. In the configuration of both, you can specify the path to use. In that path, the following files will be created:

~# ls -l /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd/
total 4
srwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Feb 12 11:41 mux
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Feb 12 11:41 mux.accept
-rw------- 1 root root 7 Feb 12 11:41

Chances are, your postfix process is chrooted. Which is a good thing from security point of view. This means though that postfix will write it's sasl stuff into /whatever-your-postfix-chroot-is/var/run/saslauthd/

I believe you should not specify a file in your path. So NOT:

saslauthd_path: private/saslauthd/mux

Because that would lead to postfix looking for private/saslauthd/mux/mux file. That's probably now what you intend.

Either leave that line out completely and use the default path, or specify the sasl path explicitly:

saslauthd_path: private/saslauthd/

So far for the Postfix side of things.

There is also the SASL side of things. In the saslauthd configuration, you have the OPTIONS parameter. Check out the -m parameter which is /var/run/saslauthd/ by default.

Since your postfix is probably chrooted, it does not have access to /var/run/saslauthd/ path. So change your SASL configuration to /whatever-your-postfix-chroot-is/private/saslauthd/ Like this: OPTIONS="-m /whatever-your-postfix-chroot-is/private/saslauthd/ -r"

And restart your saslauthd

systemctl restart saslauthd

If you still experience communication issues between Postfix and saslauthd, suggest you post the output of

ps -ef | grep sasl