What is the most authoritative file/process for managing IP addresses on an 18.04 server?

The 18.04 server installation process creates /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/50-curtin-networking.cfg, which, in turn, seems to generate /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. I can't seem to find exactly how 50-cloud-init.yaml gets generated from 50-curtin-networking.cfg though.

What is the recommended way to manage IP addresses on an 18.04 server? Edit 50-curtin-networking.cfg, and then run some command (?) to update 50-cloud-init.yaml? Or some other process?

Solution 1:

Make your networking changes to the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/50-curtin-networking.cfg file as if you were putting them in the yaml file.

Then do the following:

sudo cloud-init clean
sudo cloud-init init
sudo netplan apply

This will process your 50-curtin-networking.cfg file, generate the 50-cloud-init.yaml file and apply the yaml file netplan configuration.

In this way, you can write your networking config in the 50-curtin-networking.cfg file as the comments imply you should do.

A lot of the confusion between setting networking up in the 50-cloud-init.yaml file vs the 01-netcfg.yaml found in the /etc/netplan directory comes down to the installer used for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

The live installer uses cloud-init, whereas the alternate installer does not.

So for networking your installer choice changes how you will set up networking.

ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso -> 01-netcfg.yaml ubuntu-18.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso -> 50-curtin-networking.cfg

Solution 2:

I assume this is an ordinary server, behind a router or switch that then connects to the internet. I'd rename the 50-cloud-init.yaml file:

sudo mv /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml  /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml 

Then find out the relevant interface name:


Assuming, for an example, that your relevant interface is enp0s25, edit the file:

sudo nano /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml 

Amend the file to read:

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
      addresses: []
        addresses: [,]

Of course, substitute your exact details here. Spacing, indentation, etc. are crucial. Proofread carefully. Save (Ctrl+O followed by Enter) and close (Ctrl+X) the text editor.


sudo netplan apply
sudo ip link set enp0s25 down
sudo ip link set enp0s25 up

Did you get the requested IP address?

ip addr show

Can you ping?

ping -c3
ping -c3 www.ubuntu.com

If you get ping returns, you are all set.