Will it become impossible to learn math? [closed]

Solution 1:

I think this question is quite analogous to this one:

Will it become impossible to learn music?

One can argue quite convincingly that some branches of music have a deep theory, and to master it (in a certain technical sense) is almost impossible. But the point is: music isn't about mastering an aspect. It's really about interconnecting experiences in order to add, increase and even modify the existing "theories". In mathematics, where the knowledge builds up on itself most explicitly when compared to some other fields, it is common to think that it is a characteristic of mathematics itself: the neverending things to learn about something; there is always something more about the subject. But this isn't exclusive to mathematics at all. Everything always has something else. So, in some sense, the answer to your question is yes.

... But humanity always finds something new. New concepts, new ideas, new ways to think about something. This is where the analogy to music kicks in: some people, for example, may have thought that classical music closed it: we have all we need. Then came jazz. Some professors may have thought that physics was closed: we have all we need...

"in this field, almost everything is already discovered, and all that remains is to fill a few holes." - Quote from a professor to Max Planck, advising him not to study physics. Planck was one of the prominent names of quantum physics.

We are humans. We will always come up with some new crazy stuff. This answer your question as a no: because we will always create new things to learn.

Solution 2:

This was one of the plot lines in sci-fi novel Incandescence by Greg Egan.

It's set in the far future when pretty much all of life's problems have been solved, including knowing most of mathematics. Since, in the book, death is no longer a problem, there is a group of characters who've been spending 1600 years trying to prove a new theorem.

So it's perfectly easy to envisage a scenario where being able to do new mathematical research becomes onerously difficult. Of course, that time will be farther away than you think, due to new cutting edge research being converted into easier to understand knowledge (via textbooks, etc.), and research tools improving (where's my AI that can solve theorems already?), and people living longer to have more time to get up to speed.

Solution 3:

This might not be an adequate answer as it's subjective in nature, but from a personal perspective, I don't think it's ever possible to learn the whole of a topic completely. Visiting this site once or twice a week shows the variety of different approaches to any different problem. But it's fun to try!

Solution 4:

It's already impossible to learn all of any area of mathematics and has been for at least a hundred years (probably 150+). If you drill down into the detail, you'll find that the "world expert in X" is actually somebody who is very knowledgeable about X and, particularly, the sub-field X.Y and maybe, just maybe, knows everything that is known today about the specific area X.Y.Z. But even that can't be quite true since, if any other person in the world is working on X.Y.Z, then that person knows all the stuff they invented this week and haven't had chance to write a paper about and, unless he's telepathic, our world expert doesn't know those things.

But that doesn't mean that "learning mathematics" becomes impossible. The maths we learn today in schools and universities will still be perfectly valid in a thousand years' time so, as an absolute worst-case, you could still teach a math class in 3014 by pretending that nothing new had been learnt in the preceding millenium. The only real problem with that approach is that our selection of topics in 2014 might not be relevant to 3014. For example, there's a tendency to include more discrete mathematics in school syllabi at the moment, presumably because of its applicability to computer science. Who knows, maybe in a thousand years' time, there'll be some killer application of group theory that means we teach much more of that and much less calculus at high-school level.

do you think it will ever become impossible for a beginner to learn all the known material on a subject (such as mechanics), simply because there is so much prerequisite material to learn?

If you look closely at this question, you'll see that it already contains its own answer. It's already impossible to learn all of mechanics, precisely because there's so much of it and there are so many prerequisites. This means we'll never run out of basic mathematics to teach schoolchildren. If you want to teach kids wormhole hypermechanics but you can't because of all the background they'd need, you teach them that background, instead, and use the wormholes to motivate it.