SVN - Checksum mismatch while updating

Solution 1:

In case you are using SVN 1.7+ there is a workaround described here.

Just to recap:

  1. Go to the folder with the file causing problems
  2. Execute command svn update --set-depth empty (note: this will delete your files, so make a copy first!)
  3. Execute command svn update --set-depth infinity

Solution 2:

The easiest way to fix it (if you don't have many changes) is to copy your changes to another directory, delete the directory where your project is checked out, and checkout the project again.

Then copy your changes back in (don't copy any .svn folders) and commit, and continue.

Solution 3:

I had a simllar problem. Main provider was antivirus "FortiClient" (antivirus + VPN CLient). When I disabled it - all update/checkout was made correctly

Solution 4:

I found an easier way to fix this issue. You cannot do this directly from eclipse. Steps:

  1. Navigate to the workspace folder structure in windows
  2. rename the folder
  3. refresh in eclipse
  4. Now the folder and files will be removed from project in eclipse and will appear under new renamed folder
  5. Now try "Synchronise with Respository" option.

This will restore text base folder in .svnfolder . Checksum mismatch while updating error will not appear further.

Solution 5:

This happened to me using the Eclipse plug-in and synchronizing. The file causing the issue had no local changes (and in fact no remote changes since my last update). I chose "revert" for the file, with no other modifications to the files, and things returned to normal.