Does anyone know the sum of all triangle numbers? I.e 1+3+6+10+15+21... I've tried everything, but it might help you if I tell you one useful discovery I've made:

I know that the sum of alternating triangle numbers, 1-3+6-10... Is equal to 1/8 and that to change 1+3+6... Into 1-3+6... You would subtract 6+20+42+70... which is every other triangular number (not the hexagonals) multiplied by two.

1/8 plus this value is 1+3+6+10+...

A final note: I tried to split the triangle numbers into hexagonals and that series and then I got the squares of the odd numbers. Using dirichlet lambda functions This gave me 0 but I don't think this could be right. A number of other sums gave me -1/24 and 3/8 but I have no idea



and the sum follows at once if you know


The sum of all the triangular numers, i.e. an infinite series, clearly diverges (and this, in this sense, the sum doesn't exist).

Let $g(n)$ denote the $n$th triangular number. Then $f(n)=\sum \limits _{i=1}^n g(n) = n(n+1)(n+2)/6$. Try proofing this via induction.