Finding pages on a webpage that contain a certain link

Google does a good jobs finding relevant information.

Say I google: FDA's opinion on ISO-9001

Then it finds a link to a PDF on

But how do I find the page on that actually links to this .pdf?

So I can see in which regards this was published by the FDA (the document itself doesn't contain much information about when and to whom it was published for) .

If I remember well there is the link: command you can write in the google page [1]:

link: www.yoursite/path/to/yourfile.pdf

It is referred [2] that with info: site you can get the pages that link to the site.

info: Get information about a web address, including the cached version of the page, similar pages, and pages that link to the site. Example:


Expressly for your link I wrote on google


The first link is this page that at the line 683] links to your file. Note that I didn't put http:// before.