My attempt to prove GCD exists

Please review my attempt to prove a theorem. Any mistakes you point would be highly appreciated by me.

To prove the theorem, I'll be using the following properties which I'm assuming have already been proven.


  1. $n|0$ (every integer divides $0$)
  2. $d|n$ and $d|m \implies d|(an + bm)$ (linearity property)
  3. $d|n$ and $n \neq 0 \implies |d| \leq |n|$


Given any two integers $a$ and $b$, there is a common divisor $d$ of $a$ and $b$ of the form:

$$d = ax + by$$

where $x$ and $y$ are integers. Moreover, every common divisor of $a$ and $b$ divides $d$.


We will do an induction on the value of $|a| + |b|$.

Induction base: If $a = b = 0$, clearly $d = 0$ and every integer divides $0$. So, the theorem is true when $|a| + |b| = 0.$

Induction hypothesis: Let us assume that the theorem is true when $|a| + |b| < n$ where $n$ is an integer.

Induction: Now, let us see what happens when $|a| + |b| = n.$

There are two possible cases:

  • $|b| = 0$.
  • $|b| > 0$.

When $|b| = 0, d = |a|$. This can be justified as follows. $|a|$ divides $a$ and $0$. Every integer that divides $a$ and $0$, also divides $\text{sgn}(a).a = |a|$.

When $|b| > 0$, without loss of generality, we can assume $|a| \geq |b|.$

$|a| = n - |b| < n$.

So, $|a| = (|a| - |b|) + |b| < n$.

From the induction hypothesis, there is an integer $d$ such that:

  1. $d|(|a| - |b|)$.
  2. $d|(|b|)$.
  3. $d = (|a| - |b|)x + |b|y$ where $x$ and $y$ are integers.

From (1) and (2), $d|(|a| - |b|) + |b|$ or $d|(|a|)$ or $d|\text{sgn}(a).|a|$ or $d|a$.

From (2), $d|(|b|)$ or $d|\text{sgn}(b).|b|$ or $d|b.$

From (3), $d = |a|x + |b|(y - x)$ or $d = a(\text{sgn}(a).x) + b(\text{sgn}(b)(y - x))$.

If $c|a$ and $c|b$, from the linearity property,

$c|a(\text{sgn}(a).x) + b(\text{sgn}(b)(y - x))$ or $c|d$.


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As remarked in the comments, your proof is correct. Cheers!