Install English Macintosh keyboard layout on Ubuntu 18.04

Solution 1:

Two different points are being conflated in this question, AFAICS.

[1] Yes, Ubuntu 18.04 does have English (UK, Macintosh) in its list. You can see it in the screenshot here:

I am running Ubuntu on a 2008 Macbook at home with the Mac layout.

You can add both and switch between them:

[2] However, this will not automatically redefine keys for you. Mac keyboards have both Control (Ctrl) and Cmd (Command) keys. "Cmd" is equivalent to the "Windows" key on modern PC keyboards, or what very old-timers call the "Super" key.

On a Mac running Ubuntu, or an Ubuntu PC with a Mac keyboard, Ctrl-C is still Ctrl-C. If you want macOS-style keystrokes (Cmd-C to copy, etc.) then you must remap Ctrl to Cmd and (I would suggest) Cmd to Ctrl.

That is described here: How to remap Super(left) key to control key

N.B. If you are using GNOME, then the easiest method by far is in the last answer, right at the bottom.