Upgraded to 18.04 and now have many broken packages and unmet dependencies

Here are a couple of things to try.

Method One:

This is the easiest one to try. Instead of using sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME, where PACKAGENAME is the package you’re trying to install with the apt system, use sudo apt-get install -f. The -f parameter will attempt to correct a system which has broken dependencies, after which you’ll be able to install the package in question.

Open a Terminal and type in:

sudo apt-get install -f

and press ENTER.

Now type in:

sudo dpkg --configure -a

and press ENTER.

Now one more time:

sudo apt-get install -f

Method Two:

Aptitude is an alternative of apt-get which you can use as a higher-level package manager. You can use it to try and install your package with it, instead of apt-get, but first you need to install aptitude.

Open a Terminal and type in:

sudo apt-get install aptitude

and press ENTER.

Now type in:

sudo aptitude install PACKAGENAME

and press ENTER.

PACKAGENAME is the package you’re installing. This will try to install the package via aptitude instead of apt-get, which should potentially fix the unmet dependencies issue.


The broken package is mot likely locked and needs to be deleted. To delete the locked file, open a Terminal and type in:

sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock

and press ENTER.

The locked file may also need to be deleted in the cache directory. To do that, open a Terminal and type in:

sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock

I upgraded from 16.04 and was having a lot of different issues. I found it much easier to do a fresh install. A fresh or clean install is always the route to go in my opinion.

Hope this helps,

I had the exact same problem. I had to go edit /var/lib/dpkg/status and clear out the entire Depends: line from the packages that were complaining.
I'm not sure what other problems that may cause, but it was the only thing that got apt-get install -f working again.

With root privileges, go to var/lib/dpkg/status and delete the contents of status file.

Then sudo dpkg --configure -a and then sudo apt-get install -f

Then install what you want i.e.

sudo apt-get install nvidia-390