“English (US, International with dead keys)” missing on Ubuntu 18.04

I was able to find and configure the English (US, International with dead keys) keyboard on every version of Ubuntu so far, but I really couldn't find it on the new 18.04. Did they remove it completely?

Input sources screenshot

I am able to get the same effect if I execute the following command on terminal:

setxkbmap -layout us -variant intl

However, I am having trouble executing this command on startup and, anyway, I wish I was able to configure the keyboard directly.

Any tips?

Solution 1:

The menu with the keyboard-layouts is bit hidden in Gnome. To set your keyboard-layout open language-settings and click the Plus-Button(+) at the bottom left. Than add your language again and after that the sub-menu with the keyboard-layouts will open.

The full path to reaching the option is: Settings app -> Region & Language -> Click the + icon in Input Sources -> Select your main language -> Select the keyboard layout from the sub-menu

Solution 2:

I ran into a similar problem in XFCE under 18.04. Under Settings > Keyboard, Layout tab, after clicking + Add, I could only find a couple variants of English. Then (duh!) I noticed that this was a hierarchical list, with a little triangle in front of "English (US)". Click on that arrow, and all the variants appear underneath. It was strange that I didn't find this little hint in over an hour of searching, which is why I'm posting it here for the next person who doesn't notice the triangle.