Permanently mapping a network drive on MacBook Pro?

The answer somewhat depends on how the drive is being mounted in the first place.

For example, my AirPort Extreme has a USB drive attached. The Drive Name is 'CrashPlanExtreme' and the AirPort Extreme is (un-creatively) called "Airport-Extreme.local." so I can mount the drive using this command:

open afp://Airport-Extreme.local./CrashPlanExtreme

However, I think I had better success with this:

open -g -a Finder "afp://Airport-Extreme.local./CrashPlanExtreme"

It would be helpful if you mount the drive manually, then go to and enter this command:

mount | egrep '^/'

then add the output to your question.

Once we determine the correct Terminal command to mount the drive, the rest is simply a matter of writing a script that runs when you log in (easily accomplished using launchd) and when the computer wakes from sleep (easily accomplished using the free and excellent sleepwatcher.)

If the Network-Attached Storage (NAS) supports Server Message Block (SMB), you can use autofs to map a folder to the network drive. This will provide a reliable mount point that automatically mounts and unmounts as needed.

I put together a script to help set this up at