How to completely remove MySQL from Windows?

(I realize there are similarly-titled questions, but this one is really 'how do I reset the password', and this one doesn't specify an OS and has only gotten Linux-oriented answers.)

On Windows XP, I just uninstalled MySQL and deleted the folder that it was installed in. I then rebooted and reinstalled MySQL.

When it comes back up, it still has the databases it had before the uninstall.

Where did it keep that database info? How do I completely remove MySQL and start over, as if I'd never installed it?

Figured it out

To fully remove MySQL, you have to remove the data folder, too, which is where the database info is actually stored.

It turns out that the "Typical" installation option (on Windows XP) puts the data in:

  • Windows XP: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1"
  • Windows Vista(?) / 7 / 8: "C:\ProgramData\MySQL"

After deleting that folder, I was able to reinstall from scratch.

For Windows 7, it's in ProgramData\MySQL