Multiline search replace with Perl

Solution 1:

This kind of search and replace can be accomplished with a one-liner such as -

perl -i -pe 's/START.*STOP/replace_string/g' file_to_change

For more ways to accomplish the same thing check out this thread. To handle multi-line searches use the following command -

perl -i -pe 'BEGIN{undef $/;} s/START.*STOP/replace_string/smg' file_to_change

In order to convert the following code from a one-liner to a perl program have a look at the perlrun documentation.

If you really find the need to convert this into a working program then just let Perl handle the file opening/closing for you.

#!/usr/bin/perl -pi
#multi-line in place substitute -
use strict;
use warnings;

BEGIN {undef $/;}


You can then call the script with the filename as the first argument

$perl file_to_change

If you want a more meatier script where you get to handle the file open/close operations(don't we love all those 'die' statements) then have a look at the example in perlrun under the -i[extension] switch.

Solution 2:

Pulling the short answer from the comments, for anyone looking for a quick one-liner, and the reason Perl is ignoring their RegEx options from the command line.

perl -0pe 's/search/replace/gms' file

Without the -0 argument, Perl processes data line-by-line, which causes multiline searches to fail.

Solution 3:

Considering that you slurp in the whole contents of the file with:

local $/ = undef;

open INFILE, $full_file_path or die "Could not open file. $!";
$string =  <INFILE>;
close INFILE;

And then do all the processing with $string, there's no connection between how you handle the file and how you process the contents. You'd have an issue if you opened the file for writing before you were done reading it, since opening a file for writing creates a new file, discarding the previous contents.

If all you're trying to do is save on open/close statements, then do as Jonathan Leffer suggested. If your question is about multiline search and replace, then please clarify what the problem is.