Ubuntu 18.04 Unable to install Viber

Solution 1:

UPDATE: The same issue arises when you try to install the newest viber in ubuntu 20.04 (at least the beta until now), but with the problematic dependency being libssl1.0. Ubuntu has libssl1.1 installed.

The solution is the exactly the same, just use the corresponding names.

The problem is not only with the viber.deb file but also with the libcurl3 requirement of viber.deb.

In Ubuntu 18.04 libcurl3 cannot coexist with libcurl4 so you are going to face problems with other applications. In my case Viber and Steam could not coexist.

After some search I found the following solution which is to deb-package, fix the dependency and then build a new viber file.

The steps are:

  1. Save the viber.deb file in a folder
  2. Open the folder in a terminal
  3. execute the following commands
  4. dpkg-deb -x viber.deb viber
  5. dpkg-deb --control viber.deb viber/DEBIAN
  6. Edit viber/DEBIAN/control and replace "libcurl3" with "libcurl4" (also delete the last blank line from the file or you will get an error afterwards)
  7. dpkg -b viber viberlibcurl4.deb
  8. sudo dpkg -i viberlibcurl4.deb or install the .deb file with gdebi

Viber seems to work ok with libcurl4 atleast for me until now.

I found the solution here, in a comment...


Solution 2:

sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=libcurl3 viber.deb

Works perfectly for me.

Update: @borowis is right: after installing this way it gets uninstalled on fix broken dependencies. Another one line, but still workable solution is:

sudo apt install libcurl3 ~/viber.deb 

source: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-viber-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux