Unable to log in to Cinnamon session 18.04 [duplicate]

I used to use Cinnamon as my desktop environment on 17.10. After I updated to 18.10 I reinstalled Cinnamon using sudo apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment but can no longer log in to that specific environment.

After I type in my password there is a pause, the screen goes black, and then returns to the original log in screen.

I am able to start Cinnamon from the terminal when I am already in another session (I use xfce otherwise) using cinnamon --replace and everything works as expected.

I have also tried lightdm and gdm3 both with the same result (in fact gdm3 won't let me boot into xfce, but it will let me boot into gnome). And setting the ownership of my home directory with chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER

I am not sure what sort of error log information I should add to this post that would help, but I can add any suggestions from the comments.

Solution 1:

I was facing the same problem.

Try out the solution here : Cinnamon session crashing login from greeter

It worked perfectly for me. Seems gnome-user-share was the problem.

Solution 2:

The better way is to install Cinnamon meta-package with

sudo apt-get install cinnamon-desktop-environment

then log-out and log-in again into Cinnamon session.

I'm not sure but sometimes restoring owner of the home-folder solves many issues by

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER

Also you can try to set LightDM as default login-screen:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm # select lightdm here

then try to log-in.