How do i get bibtex entries from

Has anyone written an interface through which i can get a citation of a book/paper from

Thanks for the suggestions from fellow users. I'm updating the questions to detail in more specifics:

  • issue: I used BibTeX "Export from My library" features. However its not that cannot extract all meta-data from amazon and complete the bibliographic reference
  • Mendeley Desktop : I used is a long way round, I want something where I give the URL and it gives me back the bibtex entry

If you use Firefox, the Zotero add-on should be able to store a citation, which you can then export as BibTeX.

For a completely Web based solution with no addons:


Go to put ISBN or title, choose BibTeX output and will look up in Amazon and generate the BibTeX, as a bonus it will contain the ISBN and the Amazon URL.

Tungare's ISBN to BibTeX Converter

Alternative using ISBN only: it will generate the BibTeX including the Amazon URL.

Ottobib, the same but it will not generate the Amazon URL. Can do multiple ISBN searches at a time.

In addition to zotero and citeulike, there is also Mendeley. It allows citation extraction from Amazon via a bookmarklet, and has bibtex export and syncing.