Where is _vimperatorrc in windows?

This is a related message from mailing list. Shortly: you can place it in "C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]" for WinXP or "C:\Users\[user name]" for Vista and it should work. It is not created automatically so you'll probably need to create it by yourself. It is named exactly ".vimperatorrc": notice the starting dot and absence of file extension.

As mentioned, the vimperatorrc file should be created in C:/Users/%USERNAME%/ in a modern Windows system.

  • On Windows, Vimperator looks for _vimperatorrc first, then .vimperatorrc.
  • Windows explorer refuses to name files beginning with a dot, but it will handle them fine. You can create such file names with other tools such as the command line, Vim, Emacs, alternative file managers or Vimperator itself.
  • If you don't already have an rc file, you can use the mkvimperatorrc command to create one with your current bindings and commands.

    • mkvimperatorrc

      Creates C:/Users/%USERNAME%/_vimperatorrc on Windows (or ~/.vimperatorrc on Unix)

    • mkvimperatorrc ~/.vimperatorrc

      Creates C:/Users/%USERNAME%/.vimperatorrc on Windows.