Windows Server 2019 IIS SMTP

Solution 1:

Every tutorial on the Internet I could find have this in common: installing the IIS 6 Management Compatibility.

Add features that are required for SMTP Server?

The SMTP service is configured using the IIS 6.0 Manager!

  • Chris Lazari: Creating an SMTP Service on Windows Server 2016:

    In fact, Windows Server 2016 still uses IIS 6 tools to host and manage the SMTP service. This is truly remarkable that a fundamental service like SMTP has not been changed for at least the last 13 years. The old adage of, ‘If it isn’t broken, do not fix it’ comes to mind.

  • Umesh Dubey: How to configure SMTP server in Windows server 2016:

    Launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager.

    Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager

  • Tali Smith: Configure SMTP E-Mail in IIS 7 (Windows Server 2008 & R2):

    You need to step through the entire wizard again, even though IIS is already installed (IIS 6 Management Compatibility and the IIS 6 Management Console must be installed for SMTP to work).

  • Even the How to Set Up An Internal SMTP Service For Windows Server (2012) you used has:

    From the Search charm, type IIS. Hover your mouse over one of the selections, and run the Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 Manager.

    1. Expand to SMTP Virtual Server #1, right click and select Properties.

    SMTP Virtual Server #1

This may change soon...

Now, Features removed or planned for replacement starting with Windows Server, version 1709 suggests IIS 6 Management compatibility is going to be removed. I don't know what will happen to the SMTP service after that. Maybe it will be removed, too, or arranged differently, and then this answer becomes obsole.

How can I set up a mail server on my Windows Server 2019?

  • Microsoft has Exchange Server 2019. According to Exchange Server supportability matrix, the Exchange 2019 is the only Exchange version supported on Windows Server 2019.
  • There are also free alternatives, e.g. these recommendations from Milan Stanojevic.