Getting "out of memory" errors when around 65% used in Windows 10 [duplicate]

Since upgrading to Windows 10, I've noticed I get out-of-memory warnings (leading to out-of-memory app crashes if I don't address it) when my actual memory usage is only around 60% according to Task Manager. It wasn't an issue at first, but after the major update they did about a month ago, it seems to be happening more frequently.

I did occasionally run out of memory on Windows 7, but only when I was actually hitting 95+ percent usage, which was quite rare.

imageI've attached a screenshot of task manager immediately before a crash, and it's typical of what I normally see - around 60-65% usage being flagged as "out of memory" territory. Where's my other one-third gone?

Current setup is Windows 10, with 4x4GB sticks of Corsair memory for 16GB total. Any advice is appreciated.

You likely have pagefile disabled or severely limited. You need to go to the Performance tab and look at the Commited value. The "max" value listed there is your RAM + your enabled pagefile. If you disabled/limited page file it is likely what you are running out of.

enter image description here

For more detailed information about what is going wrong see this answer from a similar question.