How to set up VirtualBox Bridged Network on Windows 7 Host?

Here's a similar situation and what I did to resolve. I had my network settings set to NAT, which resulted in my guest not using the hosts network adapter. The ip was set and then I found out later:

Search for:

I've installed BigBlueButton using the VM, but I can't access it from a browser

On this page:

Even though I switched I needed to refresh my guest network adapter to pick up a new ip address, use the commmand ifconfig in the guest to find out what IP its using and set bbb-conf setip to that ip address result from ifconfig. The guest will use the host's adapter to get out to the web/network.

For a Putty connection, run this command on your guest: sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Run Putty with the ip from above (ifconfig result) with port 22.

Here is a good read on host-only networking: