Android how to open a .doc extension file?
Solution 1:
Unlike iOS, Android itself does not support rendering .doc or .ppt files. You are looking for a public intent that allows your app to reuse other apps' activities to display these document types. But this will only work for a phone that has an app installed that supports this Intent.
or if you have installed some app then use this Intent:
//Uri uri = Uri.parse("file://"+file.getAbsolutePath());
Intent intent = new Intent();
String type = "application/msword";
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), type);
Solution 2:
Here is a method to take care of this for you:
public void openDocument(String name) {
Intent intent = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
File file = new File(name);
String extension = android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(Uri.fromFile(file).toString());
String mimetype = android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension);
if (extension.equalsIgnoreCase("") || mimetype == null) {
// if there is no extension or there is no definite mimetype, still try to open the file
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), "text/*");
} else {
intent.setDataAndType(Uri.fromFile(file), mimetype);
// custom message for the intent
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Choose an Application:"));
Solution 3:
Open Document from List of avaliable application User have to choose application from list of application
File targetFile = new File(path);
Uri targetUri = Uri.fromFile(targetFile);
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent.setDataAndType(targetUri, "application/*");
startActivityForResult(intent, DOC);
Solution 4:
you can open file in webview if you want to open within app. ex:
String doc="<iframe src=' url='"+
" width='100%' height='100%' style='border: none;'></iframe>";
WebView wv = (WebView)findViewById(;
wv.loadData( doc , "text/html", "UTF-8");