An elementary version of Laplace's Method of Succession

Solution 1:

I think the example being discussed can be restated as follows: to start with, there are $n+1$ cards, $S$ of which are successes, where $S$ is chosen uniformly at random in $\{0,\ldots,n+1\}$. We then shuffle and draw $n$ cards, $k$ of which are successes. What is the probability that the next card is a success?

Let $O$ be our observation that $k$ successes were drawn out of $n$. Given $O$, we must have $S\in\{k,k+1\}$, and the next card will be a success iff $S=k+1$. Then by Bayes' Theorem, $$ {\Bbb P}(S=k+1|O)=\frac{{\Bbb P}(S=k+1\ \hbox{and}\ O)}{{\Bbb P}(O)}$$ $$ =\frac{{\Bbb P}(O|S=k+1){\Bbb P}(S=k+1)}{{\Bbb P}(O|S=k+1){\Bbb P}(S=k+1)+{\Bbb P}(O|S=k){\Bbb P}(S=k)}. $$ Then, since ${\Bbb P}(S=k)={\Bbb P}(S=k+1)=\frac{1}{n+2}$, $$ {\Bbb P}(S=k+1|O)=\frac{P(O|S=k+1)}{P(O|S=k+1)+P(O|S=k)}.\qquad(1) $$ Now, if $S=k$, we will draw $k$ success cards out of the first $n$ draws just when the last, undrawn, card is a failure. This will happen with probability $\frac{n+1-k}{n+1}$. Therefore, $$ {\Bbb P}(O|S=k)=\frac{n+1-k}{n+1},\qquad(2) $$ and similarly, if $S=k+1$, we will draw $k$ success cards out of the first $n$ draws just when the last, undrawn, card is a success, so $$ {\Bbb P}(O|S=k+1)=\frac{k+1}{n+1}.\qquad(3) $$ Substituting (2) and (3) into (1) gives $$ {\Bbb P}(S=k+1|O)=\frac{k+1}{n+2}. $$

For the second question, consider the following 2 processes:

  • Process 1: (Polya's urn) Start with an urn with 1 white and 1 black ball. Repeatedly draw a ball from the urn and return it to the urn, together with another ball of the same color.
  • Process 2: Let $U$ be a random variable which is uniformly distributed in $[0,1]$, and start by picking a random probability $p\sim U$. Then repeatedly flip a coin whose probability of heads is $p$, and at each flip, draw a white ball if the coin is heads, and a black ball if it is tails.

After any given sequence $T$ of balls has been drawn, we can compute the probability, $p_T$, of drawing another white ball. In Polya's urn, this probability obviously depends only on the number of white and black balls in $T$; if there are $k$ white and $n-k$ black balls in $T$, then the urn will now contain $k+1$ white and $n-k+1$ black balls, so $$p_T=\frac{k+1}{n+2}.$$ In Process 2, we can again use Bayes' Theorem. Letting $W$ be the event that the next ball drawn is white, $$ p_T={\Bbb P}(W|T)=\frac{{\Bbb P}(W\ \hbox{and}\ T)}{{\Bbb P}(T)}= \frac{{\Bbb E}({\Bbb P}(W\ \hbox{and}\ T|U))}{{\Bbb E}({\Bbb P}(T|U))}.\qquad(4)$$ However, given that $U=p$, the probability that we draw $T$ is just $p^k (1-p)^{n-k}$, and the probability that we draw $T$ followed by another white ball is $p^{k+1} (1-p)^{n-k}$. Substituting this into (4), $$ p_T={\Bbb P}(W|T)=\frac{ \int_{0\le p\le 1} p^{k+1} (1-p)^{n-k} \, dp } { \int_{0\le p\le 1} p^k (1-p)^{n-k} \, dp }=\frac{k+1}{n+2}. $$ This is another form of Laplace's rule of succession: given an event with unknown probability $p$, if we assume a uniform prior and $k$ successes out of $n$ independent trials, then the mean posterior value of $p$ is $\frac{k+1}{n+2}$.

Notice that both processes gave the same value of $p_T$, so these two processes give statistically indistinguishable sequences of balls, in the sense that they give the same sequences of observations with the same probability. But in Process 2, by the SLLN, the proportion of white balls drawn approaches $p$ a.s., and $p\sim U$. Therefore, the same is true for Process 1: In Polya's urn, the proportion of white balls drawn approaches a limit a.s., and this limit is uniformly distributed on $[0,1]$.