Use Ansible include_tasks with tags on the sub-tasks

Solution 1:

Q: "Is it possible to have Ansible just "know" what tasks are within the include_tasks block and pull the applicable tags?"

A: No. What is inside included task will be available after the control-flow reaches the include_task statement and the file is included.

Q: "What's the best practice for achieving this goal?"

A: Use import_tasks. Imports are read when the playbook starts.

Solution 2:

Kind of an old question, but for others who might struggle because they want or need to use include_tasks instead of import_tasks. To those who can use both, I would also highly recommend to use import_tasks like it was answered before:

In the official Ansible manual, the developers propose to use tags: always on include_tasks itself while applying other tags with apply: to the included tasks.

See this example (copied from the manual):

- name: Apply tags to tasks within included file
    file: install.yml
        - install
    - always

This way ensures that Ansible will always (except when called with --skip-tags always) include the external tasks to be able to look at those specific tags, so if install.yml includes a task with tags: download this task will be run if Ansible was called with --tags download (without adding install).