Surface Pro 4 won't wake up on Ubuntu 18.04

Solution 1:

Upgrade the kernel to v4.16 With UKUU.

You should install Ubuntu Kernel Upgrade Utility (UKUU).

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ukuu

Run UKUU with this command:

sudo ukuu-gtk

In the UKUU GUI select Kernel 4.16 and install it. When the process finishes, you have to reboot.

Try it!

If after waking up, your Wifi is broken, you may tell to your system that, we want to explicitly unload on suspend and reload on the resume.

Create new dir /etc/pm/config.d

sudo mkdir /etc/pm/config.d

Create a new file in this dir

sudo touch config

Edit this file

sudo -H gedit /etc/pm/config.d/config

Add one line:


Save, close and reboot.