Should it be "Arrange-Assert-Act-Assert"?

Regarding the classic test pattern of Arrange-Act-Assert, I frequently find myself adding a counter-assertion that precedes Act. This way I know that the passing assertion is really passing as the result of the action.

I think of it as analogous to the red in red-green-refactor, where only if I've seen the red bar in the course of my testing do I know that the green bar means I've written code that makes a difference. If I write a passing test, then any code will satisfy it; similarly, with respect to Arrange-Assert-Act-Assert, if my first assertion fails, I know that any Act would have passed the final Assert - so that it wasn't actually verifying anything about the Act.

Do your tests follow this pattern? Why or why not?

Update Clarification: the initial assertion is essentially the opposite of the final assertion. It's not an assertion that Arrange worked; it's an assertion that Act hasn't yet worked.

This is not the most common thing to do, but still common enough to have its own name. This technique is called Guard Assertion. You can find a detailed description of it on page 490 in the excellent book xUnit Test Patterns by Gerard Meszaros (highly recommended).

Normally, I don't use this pattern myself, since I find it more correct to write a specific test that validates whatever precondition I feel the need to ensure. Such a test should always fail if the precondition fails, and this means that I don't need it embedded in all the other tests. This gives a better isolation of concerns, since one test case only verifies one thing.

There may be many preconditions that need to be satisfied for a given test case, so you may need more than one Guard Assertion. Instead of repeating those in all tests, having one (and one only) test for each precondition keeps your test code more mantainable, since you will have less repetition that way.

It could also be specified as Arrange-Assume-Act-Assert.

There is a technical handle for this in NUnit, as in the example here:

Here's an example.

public void testEncompass() throws Exception {
    Range range = new Range(0, 5);

It could be that I wrote Range.includes() to simply return true. I didn't, but I can imagine that I might have. Or I could have written it wrong in any number of other ways. I would hope and expect that with TDD I actually got it right - that includes() just works - but maybe I didn't. So the first assertion is a sanity check, to ensure that the second assertion is really meaningful.

Read by itself, assertTrue(range.includes(7)); is saying: "assert that the modified range includes 7". Read in the context of the first assertion, it's saying: "assert that invoking encompass() causes it to include 7. And since encompass is the unit we're testing, I think that's of some (small) value.

I'm accepting my own answer; a lot of the others misconstrued my question to be about testing the setup. I think this is slightly different.

An Arrange-Assert-Act-Assert test can always be refactored into two tests:

1. Arrange-Assert


2. Arrange-Act-Assert

The first test will only assert on that which was set up in the Arrange phase, and the second test will only assert for that which happened in the Act phase.

This has the benefit of giving more precise feedback on whether it's the Arrange or the Act phase that failed, while in the original Arrange-Assert-Act-Assert these are conflated and you would have to dig deeper and examine exactly what assertion failed and why it failed in order to know if it was the Arrange or Act that failed.

It also satisfies the intention of unit testing better, as you are separating your test into smaller independent units.

I am now doing this. A-A-A-A of a different kind

Arrange - setup
Act - what is being tested
Assemble - what is optionally needed to perform the assert
Assert - the actual assertions

Example of an update test:

    New object as NewObject
    Set properties of NewObject
    Save the NewObject
    Read the object as ReadObject

    Change the ReadObject
    Save the ReadObject

    Read the object as ReadUpdated

    Compare ReadUpdated with ReadObject properties

The reason is so that the ACT does not contain the reading of the ReadUpdated is because it is not part of the act. The act is only changing and saving. So really, ARRANGE ReadUpdated for assertion, I am calling ASSEMBLE for assertion. This is to prevent confusing the ARRANGE section

ASSERT should only contain assertions. That leaves ASSEMBLE between ACT and ASSERT which sets up the assert.

Lastly, if you are failing in the Arrange, your tests are not correct because you should have other tests to prevent/find these trivial bugs. Because for the scenario i present, there should already be other tests which test READ and CREATE. If you create a "Guard Assertion", you may be breaking DRY and creating maintenance.