How do you launch a Windows 10 app at startup? [duplicate]

I want to know where the Metro applications (Mail, People, Messages, ...) executable file path is.

Also, how can I run Mail application when my PC starts?

The answer from vhanla (Nov 1, '12) has a problem: you're only launching the default application. For example, if I run mailto: then Outlook opens, not Mail.

In Windows 10, there's another way:

If you open the start menu and All Apps, you can normal click and drag (left click) a modern app, to create a shortcut. It doesn't work if you typed the name of the app into search, but it works if you browse to All Apps.


Windows + R and run shell:AppsFolder

You will see all apps in this window. Create a shortcut to the desktop, then copy that shortcut to the startup folder available at shell:Startup or found at the following location:

%SystemDrive%\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup