Delete /usr/bin/emacs - Operation not permitted
I was about to reinstall Emacs from railwaycat/emacsmacport when I stumbled upon /usr/bin/emacs
, /usr/bin/emacsclient
and /usr/bin/emacs-undumped
angrybacon@sandman ~/ $ ll /usr/bin/emacs*
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 26929904 Dec 3 07:35 /usr/bin/emacs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3201184 Dec 3 07:36 /usr/bin/emacs-undumped
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 36928 Dec 3 07:36 /usr/bin/emacsclient
I'm trying to delete those binaries with no success.
angrybacon@sandman ~/ $ sudo rm -f /usr/bin/emacs*
rm: /usr/bin/emacs: Operation not permitted
rm: /usr/bin/emacs-undumped: Operation not permitted
rm: /usr/bin/emacsclient: Operation not permitted
I've tried GNU's rm
and removing schg
flag, still no luck.
Also, are those shipped with default Mac setups?
Same issue with /usr/share/emacs/
and /usr/share/info/emacs*
It's the new "system integrity" feature in OS X. Even as root, you can't do everything. Good news is... you can disable it.
- Reboot into recovery mode (boot while holding down command + r keys.
- Open the terminal (Utilities -> terminal)
run the following in the terminal:
csrutil disable; reboot
Hit return, your mac will reboot and you'll be good to go.