Issue with Task Scheduler launching a task
Solution 1:
On properties,
Check whether radio button is selected for
Run only when user is logged on
If you selected for the above option then that is the reason why it is failed.
so change the option to
Run whether user is logged on or not
In other case, user might have changed his/her login credentials
Solution 2:
My task was set to Run only when user is logged on
and it was failing for me even while I was logged in and starting it manually. The user was set to me already. No password changes, etc.
I solved it by clicking "Change user" and selecting myself again.
I suspect it may have been caused by AD changing the user SID or something to that extent. Perhaps IT was doing some user management in AD, who knows.
Solution 3:
I solved the issue by opening up the properties on the exe-file itself. On the tab Compatibility there's a check box for privilege level that says "Run this as an administrator"
Even though my account have administration privileges it didn't work when I started it from task scheduler.
I unchecked the box and started it from the scheduler again and it worked.
Solution 4:
As far as I know you will need to give the domain account the proper "User Rights" such as "Log on as a Batch Job". You can check that in your Local Policies. Also, you might have a Domain GPO which is overwriting your local policies. I bet if you add this Domain Account into the local admin group of that machine, your problem will go away. A few articles for you to check: