No page number in first page

I am writing a document and it is required that the first page (title page) has no page number and the second page starts with page 2. I don't know how to remove the footed only in page 1 and leaving the footer in the rest of the pages as is. Can anyone maybe help? Many thanks

I am assuming that you already know how to set page numbers to your document.

Removing page number on the first page and starting page number from the second page is even easier than the accepted answer.

Click on Format menu and select Title page.

enter image description here

You will now be presented with a 'Title pages' dialog box. Under 'Page numbering' heading, select the option 'Reset Page Numbering after title pages'. You may choose the number of title pages that you don't want to have the page number.

Reset title page numbering

First, make a copy of your document for safety purposes!

Please set so called 'Title pages':

Menu format -> Insert title pages  *convert existing pages to title pages

And while setting page numbers in footnote:

Menu insert -> Field -> Others -> Document -> Page -> Page numbers -> Offset. 

enter image description here

Set it to requested value: 1