Easiest way to change font and font size

which is the easiest way to change Font size with C#.

with java it can all be done easily by calling Font constructor with necessary arguments.

JLabel lab  = new JLabel("Font Bold at 24");
lab.setFont(new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 24));

Maybe something like this:

yourformName.YourLabel.Font = new Font("Arial", 24,FontStyle.Bold);

Or if you are in the same class as the form then simply do this:

YourLabel.Font = new Font("Arial", 24,FontStyle.Bold);

The constructor takes diffrent parameters (so pick your poison). Like this:

Font(Font, FontStyle)   
Font(FontFamily, Single)
Font(String, Single)
Font(FontFamily, Single, FontStyle)
Font(FontFamily, Single, GraphicsUnit)
Font(String, Single, FontStyle)
Font(String, Single, GraphicsUnit)
Font(FontFamily, Single, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit)
Font(String, Single, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit)
Font(FontFamily, Single, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, Byte)
Font(String, Single, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, Byte)
Font(FontFamily, Single, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, Byte, Boolean)
Font(String, Single, FontStyle, GraphicsUnit, Byte, Boolean)

Reference here

Use this one to change only font size not the name of the font

label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(label1.Font.Name, 24F);

Use the Font Class to set the control's font and styles.

Try Font Constructor (String, Single)

Label lab  = new Label();
lab.Text ="Font Bold at 24";
lab.Font = new Font("Arial", 20);


lab.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif,
            12.0F, FontStyle.Bold);

To get installed fonts refer this - .NET System.Drawing.Font - Get Available Sizes and Styles