Trouble opening plist files in text editor

Solution 1:

plist files are not necessarily plain text so they need to be run through a converter. Finder and Xcode (which has a plist editor) do this without telling the user

The binary format is documented in this C code so any application can convert it and someone has written a format description in English and more Apple documentation here but note that it references old paths in /Developer/Documentation

The command line program plutil can convert to and from XML

e.g. to view a binary property list in XML format on stdout:

plutil -convert xml1 -o - <file name>

Also to convert a binary to a XML plist in place and then leave it so that the user program can read either.

plutil -convert xml1 <file name>

Solution 2:

You can also edit plist files with PlistBuddy, which is a command-line program.

PlistBuddy is located at /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy.

Solution 3:

Since you mentioned Sublime Text, there is now a plugin you can use which automatically does the conversion for you:

Solution 4:

I made a CMD (Batch) File to assist people with Converting plist files on Windows:
1.Copy all of the code
2.Create a new Text Document
3.Paste the Code
4.Save the File
5.Rename the file with ".bat" instead of ".txt"
6.Open it

    @echo off
    title PLIST Converter ~SyndiShanX
    mode 1000
    color 0b


    echo Either: Type the Directory of the File: (Ex. C:\Users\(UserName)\Desktop\File.plist) or Drag and Drop File onto This Window
    echo Made by: [SyndiShanX]
    echo File Directory:
    set /p directory=


    start "" "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\plutil.exe" -convert xml1 %directory%
    goto complete


    title File Conversion Complete!
    color 0a
    echo File Conversion Complete!
    goto exit


    color 0c
    title Exiting...
    echo Exiting...

Or you can Use the version that doesn't close after conversion to allow multiple conversions without reopening the file:

    @echo off
    title PLIST Converter ~SyndiShanX
    mode 1000
    color 0b


    echo Either: Type the Directory of the File: (Ex. C:\Users\(UserName)\Desktop\File.plist) or Drag and Drop File onto This Window
    echo Made by: [SyndiShanX]
    echo File Directory:
    set /p directory=


    start "" "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application Support\plutil.exe" -convert xml1 %directory%
    goto filedirectory